Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hey all,
It was a pretty rough week this last week, not going to lie. But I had a lot of good experiences too. :)
-If anyone knows me, you should know that I hate hate HATE exercising. But, I am proud to say that my wonderful companion has been making me run every. Single. Morning. It is awful but wonderful the same time. :) Maybe I'll actually get in shape for the first time in my life...
-On Tuesday, we had interviews with President and Sister Eaton. Oh my goodness. I cannot even express how amazing they are. My interview with President was one of the most spiritual experiences I've had in my life. I truly know that President Eaton needs to be here in the Washington Federal Way mission, and that he is called of God.
-On Tuesday...I hit a rock. I was pulling off the road for a minute because something was beeping in the car and showing up on the dash. However, I didn't see a medium-sized decorative rock on the side of the road and...I hit it. We got out and checked for damage, and wahoo! There wasn't any! But...that night a light came on on the dash. I got out and looked at the tire and it was hissing. So, Sister Hehl, Sister Thomas (a lady in our ward who was with us, bless her heart) and I got out the spare and the jack and changed the tire! I was proud of us. We didn't even have the Elders come help us. Pictures to come. :)
- I had some very interesting experiences with less-active families this week. One of the sisters really opened up to us this week about her having depression, her husband being bipolar, and different issues they are facing. I was just really overwhelmed. It's hard to hear problems that I can't fix! Yesterday we went to see a less active couple who basically for an hour and a half talked about how much they hate bishops. It was rough. But, they want us to come back for dinner on Friday so that will be interesting. I know that as a missionary, one of my mine jobs is to help investigators come to Christ. But I'm seeing more and more after lots of prayer, study, and revelation that a big focus of my mission will probably be reactivation and retention. Our purpose as missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ. I'll invite everyone--member, less-active, non-member.
-I had some anti experience this week! We were walking down a road and some guy yelled some not very nice things about Mormons at us. It was somewhat amusing in the sense that I couldn't tell if I wanted to laugh or cry about it.
-A sister in our ward gave us some really good advice this week. She is a returned missionary and she served in the Tulsa, Oklahoma mission. She had so many ideas about things we could do to improve our missions. I loved it!
That's about all that happened this week. The work is kinda slow, but we keep going. D&C 64:33 "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." I may not be seeing the fruits of my labors right now, but I'll keep doing that which I know I should be doing.
I love you all, and I so appreciate all the letters, prayers, etc.

Love, Sister Morrow
Some creative writing by Sister Morrow.....
You Know You're a Missionary When:
-You shovel any food down whenever you get it
-People yell explicitives at you from moving vehicles
-You measure time in transfers and remember things in reference to the last P-day
-District leaders are your best friends or worst enemies
-Being "dropped" is as bad as it sounds
-First names become irrelevant, including your own. In fact, your first name starts sounding like a swear word.
-You get tan lines on your feet from tracting
-You measure how loved you are by the amount of letters you get
-You feel sinful wearing jeans, and naked without your tag 
To be continued...

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